Python IDE 설정
1. Spyder Project 설정
1.1. ISORT 설정
.isort.cfg를 프로젝트 root 폴더에 만들고 아래내용으로 채운다.
profile = black
import_heading_stdlib = Standard library imports
import_heading_firstparty = Local imports
import_heading_thirdparty = Third party imports
2. 자주 사용하는 Library
생성한 Python Project 폴더에 아래 파일을 압축 해제하여 oklib 폴더를 생성한다.
oklib Download
3. 필요한 Package
이름 | 저장소 | 설명 |
opencv | anaconda | 영상처리 Library |
mayavi | anaconda | surf, mesh등 3d Plot 가속화 |
pyqtgraph | anaconda | QT를 이용한 빠른 Plot |
basemap | anaconda | Matplotlib 지도 투영 |
basemap-data-hires | anaconda | Matplotlib 지도 투영(with coastlines and political boundaries) |
rasterio | anaconda | GeoTiff library |
dill | anaconda | Python 변수 파일 입출력 |
pyserial | anaconda | Serial library |
gdal | anaconda | GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. |
cartopy | anaconda | cartographic python library with matplotlib support. |
cartopy_offlinedata | conda-forge | Offline data for using cartopy without an internet connection |
pymap3d | conda-forge | 지구 좌표계 변화 |
skyfield | conda-forge | Elegant astronomy for Python |
vpython | conda-forge | 3D animation 생성 |
vispy | conda-forge | GPU 가속을 이용한 빠른 Plot |
shapely | conda-forge | Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects |
mplcursors | conda-forge | Maplotlib에 Data Cursor 추가 |
exifread | conda-forge | Read Exif metadata from tiff and jpeg files |
gitpython | conda-forge | GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. |
jupyter_contrib_nbextensions | conda-forge | jupyter notebook extension |
jupyterthemes | conda-forge | Mapplotlib theme 지원 |
debugpy | conda-forge | Debug tool for nvim |
pylsp-mypy | conda-forge | Mypy linter for the Python LSP Server. |
pyupgrade | conda-forge | A tool to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions. |
ipympl | conda-forge | Jupyterlab maplotlib extension |
xeus-python | conda-forge | Jupyterlab debugger extension |
imutils | conda-forge | 영상처리 library |
pipreqs | conda-forge | Pip requirements.txt generator based on imports in project |
qscintilla2 | conda-forge | Syntax highlight editor |
borb | conda-forge | PDF util |
pytesseract | conda-forge | optical character recognition (OCR) tool |
numexpr3 | Github | 간단한 연산에 대한 최적화 |
ctypeslib2 | PyPi | c header를 python class로 변환 |
refurb | conda-forge | A tool for refurbishing and modernizing Python codebases |
tkinterdnd2 | PyPi | Tkinter native drag and drop support for windows, unix and Mac OSX |
pyinstaller | anaconda | python을 실행파일로 변환 |
pyautogui | conda-forge | 컴퓨터 자동화 |
pyperclip | conda-forge | 컴퓨터 clipboard 활용 |
python-pptx | conda-forge | Python에서 pptx 작성 |
python-docx | conda-forge | Python에서 docx 작성 |
jupyterlab-git | conda-forge | Jupyterlab에서 git 사용 |
jupyterlab-variableinspector | conda-forge | Jupyterlab variableinspector |
nb_black | conda-forge | jupyterlab black formatter extension |
jupyterlab-drawio | conda-forge | jupyterlab drawio extension |
jupyterlab_vim | conda-forge | jupyterlab vim extension |
pynvim | conda-forge | util for nvim |
Pyside2 | conda-forge | pyside2 |
Geopandas | conda-forge | working with geospatial data in python easier. |
itur | PyPi | the ITU-R Recommendations for atmospheric attenuation modeling. |
doq | PyPi | Docstring generator. |
cmake-language-server | PyPi | cmake lsp for nvim-lsp |
qt-material | PyPi | Qt material theme |
pyswarms | PyPi | Partical Swarms Optimization |
hml_equation_parser | PyPi | HWP의 수식을 latex로 변환 |
mplcyberpunk | PyPi | cyberpunk theme of matplotlib |
lukas-blecher/LaTeX-OCR | Github | 수식을 Latex으로 변환.(새로운 환경에 설치할것) |
4. 필요한 Package for ML
이름 | 저장소 | 설명 |
pytorch | pytorch |에서 확인 |
pytorch-lightning | conda | lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance |
torchmetrics | conda | collection of ML metrics for distributed, scalable PyTorch |
mlxtend | conda | Mlxtend is extension for ML |
tensorboard | conda | tensorboard |
torchinfo | conda | Model summary in PyTorch, based off of the original torchsummary |
captum | conda | a model interpretability and understanding library for PyTorch |
albumentations | conda | Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries |
ray-tune | conda | Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications |
grad-cam | conda | Advanced AI Explainability for computer vision |
fiona | conda | Fiona reads and writes spatial data files |
fvcore | conda | Collection of common code shared among different research projects in FAIR computer vision team |
explainable-cnn | PyPi | Flexible visualization package for generating layer-wise explanations for CNNs |
mmrotate | github | rotated object detection based on PyTorch |
pycuda | conda | Python wrapper for CUDA |
onnx | conda | Open Neural Network Exchange library |
onnxruntime | conda | cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator |
onnx_tool | github | A parser, editor and profiler tool for ONNX models. |
tensorrt | nvidia | TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators. |
neural-compressor | pip | SOTA low-bit LLM quantization. |
5. Linux에서 한글 입력
LINUX의 QT 프로그램에서는 한글 입력이 가능하지만 Anaconda의 QT를 사용하는 GUI 프로그램의 경우 한글 입력이 되지 않는 경우가 있다. 그럴 경우에는 Linux의 Qt 입력기 Library를 anaconda에 복사해 준다.
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ /home/ok97465/anaconda3/plugins/platforminputcontexts
6. VScode Project 설정
6.1. 환경변수 설정
.env를 프로젝트 root 폴더에 만들고 아래 내용으로 채운다.
MPLCURSORS={"multiple": 1}
Setting.json 설정
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